Restricted keying systems in Perth

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Restricted keying systems in Perth

Fully certified technicians and locksmiths

Construction keyed system

construction keyed system

Construction keyed system

A system where it is necessary for contractors to gain entry to a building during construction but to prevent entry by the same contractors after the building has been occupied or handed over. It is possible to change from construction keying to normal as often as required.

Maison keyed system

maision keyed system

Maison keyed system

This system is widely used in apartments, flats, office blocks, hotels and motels. Each apartment, flat or office has its own individual key which will not operate the lock to any other apartment, flat, hotel room or office, but will operate the locks to communal entry doors.

Grand master keyed system

grand master keyed system

Grand master keyed system

The grand master keyed system is an extension of the master keyed system where each lock has its own individual key and the locks are divided into two or more groups. Each group of locks is operated by a master key, and the entire system is operated by one grand master key.

Master keyed system

master keyed system

Master keyed system

A master keyed system is one where each lock has its own individual key which will not operate any other lock in the system, but where all locks in the system can be operated by one master key.

Keyed alike system

keyed alike system

Keyed alike system

This system allows for a number of locks to be operated by the same key. It is ideally suited for residential applications such as front and back doors. There is no limit to the number of locks which can be keyed alike.

Individually keyed systems

individually keyed system

Individually keyed systems

With and individually keyed system, each lock can only be opened by its own unique key.
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